Thursday, April 4, 2013

My "Britney Spears" Moment

My Big Chop (October 28,2011)

By calling this my Britney Spears Moment, I'm not saying I went crazy and had a nervous breakdown like she did. I simply mean this is by far the craziest thing I've ever done in my LIFE!!

I decided to big chop October 28, 2011 because I'd gotten tired of seeing my hair in the sink after brushing it. I was always bleaching and flat ironing my hair and the damage finally caught up with my hair. I was also a devout relaxer user.

My hair had lost it's curl, was breaking off and thin in certain areas and it just looked terrible! I decided that I wanted to give the whole "Natural Girl" thing a go since I hadn't worn my hair natural since I was 8 years old.

My big chop was a very interesting experience. I chopped during the winter while I was living in Salt Lake City, Utah. As you can see, I had absolutely NO hair. I wore hats all winter and didn't take care of my scalp because I had not yet discovered the different coily  hair types or how to care for mine.

I did notice that my scalp was dry and I just sprayed my hair with water and put coconut oil on it because it was easy and fast.

Looking back on  my big chop day now, I feel like I've come such a long way from that uninformed person I used to be. I used to think my hair was a curse, but after a year and 6 months of being natural, I've come to realize my coils are something that I should (and HAVE) embraced.

This blog is about my hair journey and what I've learned about my hair as a natural coily curl girl.


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